Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Road Trip Prep: No Looking Back
Sheryl Crow
Bob Marley
Johnny Nash (I can see clearly now the rain is gone)...this seemed fitting
Eve 6
I'm looking forward to hitting the open road and digesting this Florida experience before I hit my next destination. It's been good and it's been real. I am so excited about what the future holds. There's no looking back now.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Spiritual Cowgirl
Thursday, May 17, 2007
President of....
Each of the doors that are opening continue to confirm that this is what I want to do.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Key Largo
The boy and I headed down there on Thursday night and enjoyed the landscapes and treasures that the tropics had to offer. Highlights included snorkleing off the coast via John Pennekamp State Park, seeing 3 Baracuda (!), and learning how to dive underneath the surface of the water. Yes, the boy happens to be a really great teacher - and his skills even extend beyond giving me directions and teaching me to dive. The reef was really cool, and the feeling of swimming among the fishes and coral was undescribable. Loved it, and I even have a snorkel to prove it. If you have a chance to go - you should.
Beyond a beautiful hotel, a bed so big you could get lost, and drinks on the balcony, the company was the best part. The political debate was rich and the laughter was plentiful. It was truly a great last goodbye and hoorah to Florida, and a great start to the next part of the journey.
Daily Trivia
George W. Bush is the 43rd president of the United States. George W. Bush is the 42nd man to be president. How?
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Kolb Learning Style - The Doer in Me
The Kolb Learning Style Inventory is designed to help one understand how you learn best in educational settings and everyday life, as well as identify how to improve personal and professional relationships within different team settings.
My results yielded:
I take in information via Concrete Experience (CE) - learning by experiencing
- Learning by experience and specific experiences
- Relating to people
- Being sensitve to feelings and people
I deal with information via Active Experimentation (AE) - learning by doing
- Gets things done
- Risk taker who influences people and situations through actions
My learning style is:
which involves the primary learning modes of active experimentation and concrete experience. Individuals who embody this style put ideas into actions. They find multiple uses for whatever has been learned and accommodate/adapt to change. People with this style learn by "doing." They enjoy hands-on experiences that invovle new challenges (Very true. I do new thigns so I can keep learning). They make decisions based on information gathered by others and thrive in action-oriented careers like marketing, sales, and business. (interesting). These people work well with others, like field work, and test different approaches to completing a task.
Overall Result: I seek out and exploit opportunity, take risks (DC here I come), and lead & influence others through my actions. I am best put to use on a team by choosing and creating goals, or executing solutions.
The above clearly explains why I never read directions before putting a bike together. I like to learn best by doing. So it isn't just me being stubborn, it's me trying to learn my best. ;)
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Bikini Bliss.

Me and Sleep

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Mom and I totally are all over the home project thing. So that little lie about females and manual labor, yep it doesn't apply to us.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Charles Taylor "Sources of Self"
The foundation's mission:
In the Charter establishing his philanthropy, Sir John Templeton expresses that his Foundation should serve as a philanthropic catalyst for research on concepts and realities such as love, gratitude, forgiveness and creativity. Twenty years later, the Foundation continues to fund rigorous scientific research and related cutting-edge scholarship on a wide spectrum of "Core Themes."
note: the foundation does tend to favor conservatives, and has supported financially individuals like Milton Friedman.
Taylor goes onto state in his interview that, "We don't understand what's going on unless we understand that as human beings we are spiritual beings" and that our preoccupatins are not simply social, economic, power or pride. That we are also concerned with finding meaning to life, dignity, and being recognized also in the sense of being fundamentally good. Our quote "spiritual hungers."
I am intrigued by his latest book produced "Sources of Self" as it analyzes and looks at the big questions, and how the modern identity is formed and its many facets. He examines the differences and origins of moral values and spiritual values, their institutions, and backgrounds. Should make for an interesting read.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Letter of Recomendation from my Father to my future Husband
I don't know who you are yet, but
I want to explain a few things.
In 1983, our first house had birds nests
in our chimney and porch.
They made sounds like she did when she was first born.
This is why we call her hummingbird.
Our family is almost 100% German.
All 10 grandchildren have blue eyes and blonde hair,
she is the only
with brown eyes.
She has the deepest eyes you've ever seen
and the deepest heart you'll ever know.
Be gentle, kind, and pray with her.
I moved to Boston when she was 11, for a new job.
She stayed in IL with her mother and sister.
My eldest daughter was older then most her age.
She watched her sister
and her mother.
And locked the doors every night.
She never once complained when
I couldn't make it to her concert, instead she just
said that she had an old soul and understood.
Small attentions
are all she requires.
Tell her you never saw anyone
so adept
at making pancakes.
Still, your life will not be easy.
Just look at how much energy she has.
She'll keep you moving.
And what's this about taking a hike in the rain, or painting the bathroom, or the researching the best type of dog to get?
You must understand --she doesn't see the world clearly.
Once she screamed, "The woods are on fire!"
when it was only a blue cloud of insects lifting from the trees.
But she's a good girl.
She likes to kiss
and be kissed.
I remember mornings
she would wake me, stroking my whiskers,
and kissing my hand.
She'll tell you -- and it's true --
she prefers the blue of your eyes
to all the blue seas of heaven and earth.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
An Attitude of Gratitude
Instead of carrying just the necessary DNA information to develop and function, as I grew I also replicated a rare strand known as happiness and joy. There are few and far between that carry this unique genetic code. Symptoms usually include optimistic outlook, smiles since birth, and urge to create and maintain a joyful environment. Again, it was proven today that I did in fact possess this makeup. Someone smiled just because I'm me. Happiness just might be in my DNA.