Monday, December 21, 2009

What Was Going on at Our House this Weekend

Cookie making.  Personalized letter stamps.
Burnt chocolate, and cindy lou who hair. 
Fun times.
Jam thumbprints
Cookie dough truffles.
Our Saturday.

Friday, December 18, 2009


I'm guilty.  I purchased a deep red bow headband off of esty and will be wearing it downtown tonight.  And no, I don't have the personality of Blair Waldorf to go with it!

Darn, not!!

It was just too festive and fun to pass up. I love accessories like this.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

On Hair and Husbands

A funny thing happened yesterday.

I came home from getting my haircut and running a few errands.

My husband was cooking up our dinner.  He came to greet me at the door.  We started catching up on our day.

And then he said,

"Oh let me see you're hair.  I remember that you got it cut."

pause, I turn around.

"It looks professional.  I really like it honey"

I laugh. I continue to laugh all night, because he called my hair professional.  At first he doesn't understand why this is so funny.  He said he loved it, and that it didn't look to youthful but cute and so he choose the word professional.  Great for the office and sexy at night.  I said, professional is a funny word to use to tell your wife she looks hot!

Then we kissed, and I kept telling him I loved him, and his face was very professional looking!

Great Read!

I just picked this book up last night at Borders thanks to A Cup of Jo's recommendation.  So far it's great! I couldn't put it down.

Throughout the story the author weaves in her family's recipes, noting that cooking up these helped her family get through hard times.  Since she recently lost her job, there's nothing better then pulling out the yellowed paper filled with these family heirlooms to help her get through her newest challenge.

She has a bunch of recipes for soup in the beginning, perfect reading for a winter night!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Home Baked Stuff

I also love the idea of giving something that is usable, and consumable.  I tell my husband this as we walk through William Sonoma, his eyes wide with wonder and confusion. He can't seem to stop staring at the mulling cider or the nutracker apron. He doesn't know what we should get. The ladies there try to help guide us, as we turn round and round their white, bone china tables searching for dirty santa gifts.

Finally I grab his hand, and say honey here's what I think.  Not too long ago he had told me that if he asks for my opinion, and I give it, then he will follow it.  He said there's no point in him asking me, if he is just going to ignore it.  Now in the store, he doesn't ask, but I give it anyway.  Here's what we are going to get.  Before I know it we are up at the register, and have purchased 3 items that can be given for the dirty santa gifts.

We find our way out of the store, even though there are trecherous peppermint bark and cocoa samples at every corner. Next year, I'm going to try my hand at baking some gifts and wrap them in red twine, pretty boxes, and parchment paper. Perhaps my husband will agree!

Make Light

Have fun with life.

More to come on this later!

Have a great day darlings`

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Glitter Stuff

The Christmas season is upon us. Last year at this time we were decorating our little onebedroom apartment, adorning it with little cutouts of nutcracker men and a charlie brown Christmas tree.
Our first Christmas in our own house. We went Christmas tree hunting on a tree farm outside of our city. We found the perfect one. Every evening when I come home the lights are lit, my husband did this as a treat for me. The Tannenboam all glistening in its splendor. We even have a Christmas throw:) My guy wanted one. Of course I use it much more then him!
I'm enjoying this new season. A season filled with old friends, new friends, weaving my and my husbands traditions together, and finding a pretty snuggly fit. I'm dreaming up Christmas cookies, with glitter and raspberry jam. And a warm oven heating up our home as the coolest of days creep upon us.

To you and yours I wish the Christmas tree cookies, and warm feelings that meet you at your doorstep, with a light left on in this winter time.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Movin: AlwaysanEm

please re-route your page from


I will be changing the new domain over in just a few days!

Face It

I'm tired of my old template, it's time for a new one. I'm bored with it, and I'm sure you are too! Please bare with me as we develop a new template that fits the new year!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Our First Song

We wanted it to be different, memorable, and not cliche. My hubs is the one who ended up stumbling upon the song we chose. A The Cure song for our first song, but redone by Katie Melua. Just like heaven.


Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Little Thoughts on the Big Day

Now that things are slowing down, the last of the wedding gifts has found a new place in our house, and the Christmas tree is set up and trimmed with presents below I want to take a minute to remember the little things about our wedding day. Those memorable moments.

- My grandparents, mom, and fav aunt coming to visit a week before the wedding. It was so nice. My Oma made a german chocolate cherry cake, 3 layers, just for me b/c as they say "we all need a little German."

- Leaving my burnt orange shoes at the alterations place, and realizing this a week before the wedding. Thank God! I had enough time to figure out they weren't at home and find that I had left them there when I went to pick up my dress! Mom picked them up for me, so glad she was here early!

- When I got my makeup done the morning of the wedding, I remember calling myself a "spotted owl" as they dabbed concealer and stuff here and there. All my girls were cracking up.

- Feeling oh so vintage! The birdcage veil, I ended up loving it so much that I left it on the whole day and night! So fun. It's now back in its little hat box, but it took many practice tries in front of the mirror to figure out how to position and bobby pin it down. But then...once I did...oh I loved it!

- The 70 degree weather!!!! Beginning Friday Nov 6th, 2009 (day before BIG day!) it was 65 degrees out. I was wearing my sunglasses at our rehearsal. We had our ceremony take place outside, and were questioning what the weather would be like throughout the month leading up to our wedding. It had just rained every weekend leading up to Nov 7th. And then presto Nov. 7th God smiled on us!! It was 70 degrees and sunny!! My husband jokes that he had to trust it was me coming up to the little stone balcony where we stood during the ceremony, because the sun was so bright!

- Looking at my father-in-law during the ceremony and seeing little tears.

- Right before Mom and I walked down the aisle we started to tear up, as we walked underneath the trellis, I squeezed her hand and said "Mom this is a happy moment, why are we tearing up!" We were just so happy I suppose and had dreamt of this day!

- My shoe getting caught in my dress before the final entrance from the trellis to the green where I approached our "alter" spot. I was like woo hold up, my shoe is stuck! But no one even noticed!

- Our Charlie Brown theme music, we exited to "Lins and Lucy!" it was so fun! Everytime I hear Peanuts music now I think of our wedding day.

- Our photographer, Jennie Andrews, rocks! I want to be her buddy. She has the best energy, and unbelievable skills. She even tied the little satin sash around my waist into the bow as I was getting ready. Like I said, neat little lady.

- Right before Chris and I came into the dance floor for our first dance, we were singing to each other out in the hallway and dancing. Just the two of us:)

More to come...:)