Now that things are slowing down, the last of the wedding gifts has found a new place in our house, and the Christmas tree is set up and trimmed with presents below I want to take a minute to remember the little things about our wedding day. Those memorable moments.
- My grandparents, mom, and fav aunt coming to visit a week before the wedding. It was so nice. My Oma made a german chocolate cherry cake, 3 layers, just for me b/c as they say "we all need a little German."
- Leaving my burnt orange shoes at the alterations place, and realizing this a week before the wedding. Thank God! I had enough time to figure out they weren't at home and find that I had left them there when I went to pick up my dress! Mom picked them up for me, so glad she was here early!
- When I got my makeup done the morning of the wedding, I remember calling myself a "spotted owl" as they dabbed concealer and stuff here and there. All my girls were cracking up.
- Feeling oh so vintage! The birdcage veil, I ended up loving it so much that I left it on the whole day and night! So fun. It's now back in its little hat box, but it took many practice tries in front of the mirror to figure out how to position and bobby pin it down. But then...once I did...oh I loved it!
- The 70 degree weather!!!! Beginning Friday Nov 6th, 2009 (day before BIG day!) it was 65 degrees out. I was wearing my sunglasses at our rehearsal. We had our ceremony take place outside, and were questioning what the weather would be like throughout the month leading up to our wedding. It had just rained every weekend leading up to Nov 7th. And then presto Nov. 7th God smiled on us!! It was 70 degrees and sunny!! My husband jokes that he had to trust it was me coming up to the little stone balcony where we stood during the ceremony, because the sun was so bright!
- Looking at my father-in-law during the ceremony and seeing little tears.
- Right before Mom and I walked down the aisle we started to tear up, as we walked underneath the trellis, I squeezed her hand and said "Mom this is a happy moment, why are we tearing up!" We were just so happy I suppose and had dreamt of this day!
- My shoe getting caught in my dress before the final entrance from the trellis to the green where I approached our "alter" spot. I was like woo hold up, my shoe is stuck! But no one even noticed!
- Our Charlie Brown theme music, we exited to "Lins and Lucy!" it was so fun! Everytime I hear Peanuts music now I think of our wedding day.
- Our photographer, Jennie Andrews, rocks! I want to be her buddy. She has the best energy, and unbelievable skills. She even tied the little satin sash around my waist into the bow as I was getting ready. Like I said, neat little lady.
- Right before Chris and I came into the dance floor for our first dance, we were singing to each other out in the hallway and dancing. Just the two of us:)
More to come...:)