Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Little Birdy...In my Wreath!

My wreath was hanging on the garage door when I came into the house the other night.  What was it doing there, I thought?

That's when my husband told me he had to move it because a little birdy had been building a nest in my wreath.  Claiming it as her very own home. 

When my husband (who is much taller then me) took the wreath down from the hanger, low and behold it was true...there was a small, neatly kept looking nest right there in the center of my wreath.  Apparently it was a smart little birdy, who knew that our porch would provide it with just the right amount of protection from the spring showers and weather elements.

Here it is!

Friday, March 18, 2011

One of the most beautiful times

One of my favorite times of the year in this area of the world is Spring! The buds on the trees are popping, the mornings are perfectly cool, and the evenings are filled with the sounds of chirping crickets. The Lord has given us such beauty!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What we become in life.

I really like this part

"Your worldview does determine everything else in your life. It determines your decisions, it determines your relationships, it determines your level of confidence.

What we believe determines our behavior, and our behavior determines what we become in life."

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Dear Life

Dear Life,
I love the way you are always challenging me to be a better person.  I love that you like to throw me curve balls once in awhile to make sure I'm really practicing what I'm preaching. You're good like that.  You say "make your heart bigger!"

I also love that March always brings rain.  And by rain I mean giant puddles for me to jump over when I run from place to place.

Thanks again!

Friday, March 04, 2011


This is one interesting site!  It's a virtual pinboard!! If I didn't have quite so much going on right now I'm sure I could easily spend hours browsing and liking and pinning items!

Love Marta Writes (blog) and her pinterest just as cute!

Love the inspiration flowing off pinterest. Too fun for words.

Now for a visual of the weekend to come....

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Holy Bikes!

How awesome is this!  A bike shop in Germany hung 120 bicycles outside their shop to advertise.

Love it!