The twinfants are 6 months old! What a glorious 6 months its been with these babies!
Facts and Figures
18 lbs and 11 oz
26.5 inches
He's 75% percentile for weight, and 50% for height
He makes lots of grumbling noises now
He has contagious laughter. If you laugh, he laughs, if he laughs, you laugh
He likes playing airplane now and being tossed lightly up in the air
Ella Jane
16 lbs 7 oz
26 in 1/4
She's 75% for weight and 75% for height
She is rolling around like crazy
She's smiley.
She doesn't like big parties at the moment
She can entertain herself for about an hour just rolling around on the floor
They are now eating 3 meals a day, breakfast lunch and dinner! These little monkies keep us busy!
Goodness are they fun!!!!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Silent Night
Last night I sang Silent Night to the babies as we got into our bedtime routine. Ella Jane was sitting in the swing. Franklin sat in my lap as I rocked away in the glider. He drifted off into sleep land. I won't soon forgot the wonderful feeling it is to have your sweet baby fall asleep on you...
Friday, December 07, 2012
The babies are getting biggeR, and biggER, and BIGGER! Seriously. Time is flying. They will be 6 months old at the end of next week. We are in full throttle at the Miller household....celebrating CHRISTMAS! Last night Ella and Frank had on their matching Christmas pjs momma picked up for them, and Daddy got a special treat from our Christmas elf...the movie ELF! Woo hoo! Daddy came home and found the Christmas carols playing loudly and two little elfs sitting at the door. Mommy even had her Christmas elf shirt on. Busy little elves.
Franklin is seriously trying to crawl, his little hands are reaching out, grabbing, pulling, and legs are moving quick! Ella Jane is our little screetch owl still and doesn't want to really take any sort of nap past 3/4pm, which is fine but sometimes she can be a handful. Love that girl! She is a feisty one:)
They are at a new phase where I can actually make dinner and they'll be content watching me from their highchairs, on the kitchen floor playing, or sitting in a bumbo. I love it. We sing, dance, and make merry while cooking. Joy is filling our home. Sure we have times where Momma gets tired, (daddy too..shh he doesnt like to admit it as much) :) and I'm like okay an 8:15pm bedtime is too late...but honestly I'm savoring every minute..because time is flying!
Love to all!
Franklin is seriously trying to crawl, his little hands are reaching out, grabbing, pulling, and legs are moving quick! Ella Jane is our little screetch owl still and doesn't want to really take any sort of nap past 3/4pm, which is fine but sometimes she can be a handful. Love that girl! She is a feisty one:)
They are at a new phase where I can actually make dinner and they'll be content watching me from their highchairs, on the kitchen floor playing, or sitting in a bumbo. I love it. We sing, dance, and make merry while cooking. Joy is filling our home. Sure we have times where Momma gets tired, (daddy too..shh he doesnt like to admit it as much) :) and I'm like okay an 8:15pm bedtime is too late...but honestly I'm savoring every minute..because time is flying!
Love to all!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
5 month update!
I am so thankful for all the time in our home spent playing with babies! Lately I've realized how much we actually play --- all afternoon, evening, and in the morning! Whenever I'm with the babies interacting, we are playing. Even while they lay on the kitchen floor on their playmat while I cook, I'm still singing and dancing to them. We play! Thank the Lord for play and laughing, and singing! I certainly needed more playtime in my life, and with twins we get it!
The twins are 5 months old(well they were about a week ago!) I'm a little late - but they are way too cute. With every month that passes I keep saying I love this phase, no this phase, and then I continue to love each day more and more as I watch their little personalities unfold.
Memories of 5 months
Franklin - still completely boy. My tender hearted little solider. He is such an easy child and always has a tender smile to warm your heart. His favorite nursery rhymes right now are: pop goes the weasel, and peas poridge hot. He would eat every hour if he could:) and when we changed his schedule back to eating every 3 hours he was quite happy! He giggles now. It's the most delicious sound ever! He's rolling over on his side now and practicing sitting up!
Elizabeth - hair is still as red as ever. She has a mouth-wide open type of smile that will make me laugh each time. She is very observant and knows at all times where she is in relation to mommy and daddy. She doesn't like loud people or noises, but is more of the refined nature:) HA. She is growing longer by the day. She loves her pears, and can play so nicely by herself. Sometimes I just watch her in her own little world. It reminds me of my sister as a child.
I love these two! Thank you Lord for these blessings!
The twins are 5 months old(well they were about a week ago!) I'm a little late - but they are way too cute. With every month that passes I keep saying I love this phase, no this phase, and then I continue to love each day more and more as I watch their little personalities unfold.
Memories of 5 months
Franklin - still completely boy. My tender hearted little solider. He is such an easy child and always has a tender smile to warm your heart. His favorite nursery rhymes right now are: pop goes the weasel, and peas poridge hot. He would eat every hour if he could:) and when we changed his schedule back to eating every 3 hours he was quite happy! He giggles now. It's the most delicious sound ever! He's rolling over on his side now and practicing sitting up!
Elizabeth - hair is still as red as ever. She has a mouth-wide open type of smile that will make me laugh each time. She is very observant and knows at all times where she is in relation to mommy and daddy. She doesn't like loud people or noises, but is more of the refined nature:) HA. She is growing longer by the day. She loves her pears, and can play so nicely by herself. Sometimes I just watch her in her own little world. It reminds me of my sister as a child.
I love these two! Thank you Lord for these blessings!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
To Them
To Them
To them I am
a tender touch
a finger to nibble
a little tickle and
outstretched arms
a cozy pillow
warm soft blankets
sweet potatoes and
a fully tummy
a musical of
melodies and rhythms
a soft sway
and a gentle rock
a safe place
a known
their Mumma
---a glimpse of what my babies may see me as.
Friday, November 09, 2012
So I had a feeling when I started writing our "why am I thankful" blog, that there would be a few days missed. I mean we have twins, so let's be honest there isn't a lot of what we call free time! But we sure do have a lot of family time, and we are thankful for that!
Today I'm thankful for all those folks who have stepped in and helped us out in all sorts of wonderful ways. While I was sick right after delivery, many, many families came and brought us food for our 3 weeks! They made warm meals to help mommy (me) recover, and us survive and thrive with our newborn babies! This was certainly an outpouring of love we will never forget! So thankful for our church family & friends. Talk about a blessing in our lives!
I'm also thankful for great friends and family who helped me out this week while Mom/Dad had their first business trips. Of course they happened the same week:) None the less we all survived, and the babies loved spending time with their aunties!
There is nothing better then great family and friends, and we certainly have been blessed with some of the best! Thanks for making our family feel so loved!
Today I'm thankful for all those folks who have stepped in and helped us out in all sorts of wonderful ways. While I was sick right after delivery, many, many families came and brought us food for our 3 weeks! They made warm meals to help mommy (me) recover, and us survive and thrive with our newborn babies! This was certainly an outpouring of love we will never forget! So thankful for our church family & friends. Talk about a blessing in our lives!
I'm also thankful for great friends and family who helped me out this week while Mom/Dad had their first business trips. Of course they happened the same week:) None the less we all survived, and the babies loved spending time with their aunties!
There is nothing better then great family and friends, and we certainly have been blessed with some of the best! Thanks for making our family feel so loved!
Thursday, November 01, 2012
A Month of Thankfulness
Thanks to some friends, I've been inspired to try to blog each day about what we are thankful for!
Today I am thankful for first and foremost for my wonderful husband to share my life with! He's my constant companion, adventurer, and steadfast rock! Without him we wouldn't have our two sweet babies and I wouldn't be half as good without him:)
A few things I love about him...
His steady energy and attitude. He's always positive.
His eagerness to serve the Lord
He will always do the right thing
His love for our family
His attitude and great worth ethic
His love for my family
His encouraging words and listening ear
Thank you Lord for blessing me with such a great husband and father!
Today I am thankful for first and foremost for my wonderful husband to share my life with! He's my constant companion, adventurer, and steadfast rock! Without him we wouldn't have our two sweet babies and I wouldn't be half as good without him:)
A few things I love about him...
His steady energy and attitude. He's always positive.
His eagerness to serve the Lord
He will always do the right thing
His love for our family
His attitude and great worth ethic
His love for my family
His encouraging words and listening ear
Thank you Lord for blessing me with such a great husband and father!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
4 month Update!
Ella Jane,
You are absolutly adorable. You have recently found a your voice. You make little ooo and ahh noises. Daddy and I have nicknamed you our screech owl because its a high pitched noise! You are smiling more and more, and you love to just be sitting on someone's lap taking it all in. You are fascinated by your jumperoo. You are eating the same amount as brother now. When we took you to get your shots, a waterfall flooded from your eyes. It broke your Daddy's heart. You have a soulful look with those large, green/blue eyes. I can just stare at you. You already know what you like and what you don't like, and aren't afraid to let your father and I know. I love this about you. I imagine when you are older you will want to be independent. You love your highchair and being at eye level with Dad and I at the table. Each morning when I go to get you out of bed you always have the biggest mouth wide open smile. I praise God for giving us such a sweet and soulful daughter!
Where to begin? You are the happiest baby I've ever met! When you are taking your bottle and we smile at you, you can't help but smile back. Sometimes I have to catch myself, because I want you to keep eating:) There are times you are fussing, and we will do something to make you smile and immediately you switch from fussy to laughing. You are such a delight! You babble back and forth with us, and have recently realized you have a twin sister! When she's in the jumperoo and your in the exersaucer you love to stare right at her, and recently you have smiled at her while making eye contact! Way too cute. You are a big boy -- 16 lbs! When you got your finger pricked at the doctor, you didn't even cry! Again just a testament to what a happy, laid back baby you are. I'm so excited to see your personality keep coming out. Thanks for filling our days with laughter and smiles. I praise God for giving us such a happy baby boy!
Love you both,
Friday, October 05, 2012
16 weeks!
It's fall here! Our favorite season for a few reasons. The weather in TN is fantastic, football, pumpkin flavored coffee, and our favorite reason of Mr. and I got married!
The babies seem officially "older." They love going on outings now. We call them "field trips". They like going out to dinner, walking around Best Buy, and taking walks. Love seeing them take in all the new sights, sounds, and smells of someplace new.
This weekend we are going on their biggest adventure yet - a roadtrip to meet their great grandparents in Middle TN! We are all so excited!
So what's new in the life of Franklin & Ella??
- sleeping 11 - 12 hours consistently each night, with their last feeding at 10:30pm
- taking baths in their big boy/girl bathtub and playing with bath toys!
- Franklin rolled over three times on 9/25
- They are both jibber jabbering a lot more
- Their feedings have lengthened out to every 3.5-4 hours
- Their new favorite game is the "blanket game"
Love them both to pieces. When I'm rocking them right after their baths, I love smelling their little heads. I know they will just keep getting bigger and bigger now so I'm taking in every moment and treasuring it! Thank you Lord for our two sweet children!
The babies seem officially "older." They love going on outings now. We call them "field trips". They like going out to dinner, walking around Best Buy, and taking walks. Love seeing them take in all the new sights, sounds, and smells of someplace new.
This weekend we are going on their biggest adventure yet - a roadtrip to meet their great grandparents in Middle TN! We are all so excited!
So what's new in the life of Franklin & Ella??
- sleeping 11 - 12 hours consistently each night, with their last feeding at 10:30pm
- taking baths in their big boy/girl bathtub and playing with bath toys!
- Franklin rolled over three times on 9/25
- They are both jibber jabbering a lot more
- Their feedings have lengthened out to every 3.5-4 hours
- Their new favorite game is the "blanket game"
Love them both to pieces. When I'm rocking them right after their baths, I love smelling their little heads. I know they will just keep getting bigger and bigger now so I'm taking in every moment and treasuring it! Thank you Lord for our two sweet children!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
My Cup is Overflowing
Standing at a crossroad. Anxious to share so many wonderful things with my children , yet wanting to keep them as sweet little babies with their tiny feet. Each day I look into their faces and see they have grown just a little more. Bittersweet moments.
Franklin and Ella Jane, I love you. You bless me over and over each day. You pour smiles, laughter, and joy into my cup. It's overflowing. I never could have imagined my heart could love this much. Thanks for showing me the way.
Franklin and Ella Jane, I love you. You bless me over and over each day. You pour smiles, laughter, and joy into my cup. It's overflowing. I never could have imagined my heart could love this much. Thanks for showing me the way.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Friday Favorite Things
Friday Favorite Things
Franklin's hair. It always stands up and is as soft as a puppy's ear.
When I was cleaning the bedroom after work, I laid him on the bed.
The ceiling fan above him spinning away.
He laughed, giggled, and smiled.
As if he shared a secret with that ceiling fan.
So sweet.
Ella's little temperment.
Just when you get smile after smile, I pull out the camera and
She just knows
And stops smiling
in fact, sometimes she can make a little smug face.
Too funny
Loved having earlier evenings with my husband
Him getting up early with Ella
When I was sleepy with a cold
I didn't even have to ask.
Love the gift of family
The blessings of strangers
And the beauty of fall
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
On Dad
It's funny the things that excite you as a mom of twins. When you are able to successfully take care of both of the twins, during the dinner hour, alone, while your husband is at a meeting you have a new found sense of confidence as a Mother. Not only is the dinner hour what we affectionately call the "witching" hour where babies don't really like to nap longer then 45 minutes, and just want to sit near you, not really play but on top of that you bath! To keep two babies content, feed them both at the same time (we call this the double boppy feed) and get them in clean pjs - woo, I almost felt like I might be able to climb Mount Rushmore. Then the dog rolls around on the floor next to you, begging for attention but both of your arms are already occupied...and dinner is composed of a bowl of cereal because by the time you've gone through the bedtime routine you are ready for sleep.
But then you get them down to sleep, tucked in for the night, and glance at your phone to see if you've gotten a text message from Daddy yet. Is he on his way? Because even though they are tucked away in their nursery, sleeping, you still feel relieved when he walks through the door and kisses you hello.
He's my everyday superhero.
But then you get them down to sleep, tucked in for the night, and glance at your phone to see if you've gotten a text message from Daddy yet. Is he on his way? Because even though they are tucked away in their nursery, sleeping, you still feel relieved when he walks through the door and kisses you hello.
He's my everyday superhero.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Life with Twins: 11 weeks Old
The twins are 11 weeks old tomorrow! Time is flying by! Woo! I can't help but want it to slow down just a little, to take every moment in...and I do by photographing and videotaping my kids on my iPhone. What did parents do before this great handheld technology?
Life with twins is so joyful. I can't imagine anything different. Over dinner my husband and I frequently comment on how blessed our marriage has been by Franklin and Elizabeth. We have so many ample opportunities to work together, side by side. You have to remember with twins - each parent has a baby, man on man so we are constantly in tandem as a team. Whether it is feeding the babies, bathing them, going on walks, or just playing together as a family - my husband and I have witnessed how in sync we are as a couple. It's a blast to see this wonderful rhythm between the two and now the four of us as a family!
I've gone back to work just part time, making for an easier transition. We have a wonderful nanny who comes to the house and plays and takes care of the twins while Mom is at the office for 1/2 a day. We love, love our nanny. Not only do we not have to get two babies out of the house in the morning (can you imagine!), but they get to nap in their own beds, get the unique one on one attention as well as stay on their own little schedules. We also hope to avoid germs this way too:) Again, truly a blessing to have found a christian nanny to come into our house and care for our little ones.
Babies updates:
- Franklin is laughing and giggling. It's too fun!
- Ella is like a frog, always with her legs bent and moving
- Ella has clearly found her tongue and loves sticking it out!
- They smile frequently
- Love walks and baths for their evening routine
- Are sleeping a solid 7-8 hours each night now (yay!!)
-Most definitely recognize their Mommy and Daddy:)
Life with twins is so joyful. I can't imagine anything different. Over dinner my husband and I frequently comment on how blessed our marriage has been by Franklin and Elizabeth. We have so many ample opportunities to work together, side by side. You have to remember with twins - each parent has a baby, man on man so we are constantly in tandem as a team. Whether it is feeding the babies, bathing them, going on walks, or just playing together as a family - my husband and I have witnessed how in sync we are as a couple. It's a blast to see this wonderful rhythm between the two and now the four of us as a family!
I've gone back to work just part time, making for an easier transition. We have a wonderful nanny who comes to the house and plays and takes care of the twins while Mom is at the office for 1/2 a day. We love, love our nanny. Not only do we not have to get two babies out of the house in the morning (can you imagine!), but they get to nap in their own beds, get the unique one on one attention as well as stay on their own little schedules. We also hope to avoid germs this way too:) Again, truly a blessing to have found a christian nanny to come into our house and care for our little ones.
- Franklin is laughing and giggling. It's too fun!
- Ella is like a frog, always with her legs bent and moving
- Ella has clearly found her tongue and loves sticking it out!
- They smile frequently
- Love walks and baths for their evening routine
- Are sleeping a solid 7-8 hours each night now (yay!!)
-Most definitely recognize their Mommy and Daddy:)
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Life with Twins - 2 months old
The babies have completely stolen my heart. I watch them sleeping and cannot wait till they awake so I can squeeze their chubby cheeks, hug, and kiss them.
Now that they have flashed their smiles, it's like a competition between my husband and I to see who can make them smile more. I have no problem acting like a fool to get my kids to smirk!

I have to say one of my favorite moments is at night with our bedtime routine (we just adopted this routine in the past week). We feed them, I bath them, get them into their pjs, and then hand them to Dad who is sitting in the rocker with a book in hand. A little story time, and rocking and we lay them down in their cribs where they drift off to sleep listening to Dad's voice. What a wonderful way to go to sleep each night! :)
*As a side note on the evening the twins turned 2 months old they slept through the night for the first time aka they didn't wake for a 3am feeding! They have continued this trend the remainder of the week. I no longer feel like a walking zombie!! Franklin tries to get up around 5:30am, but we are able to give him his pacifier and he seems to drift back to sleep. Elizabeth on the other hand is fast asleep many mornings until we get them up at 7am to eat. Lately we find her with her blankets completely kicked off.
Things to Remember:
- the babies are out of the Swaddlemes, and sleep now with their little arms above their heads.
- Ella loves to be wrapped up in this pink, mink blanket. It's quite hilarious to see this sweet little baby swaddled in a huge pink blankie.
- We actually put the swing together for the first time this past week
- Franklin loves his bright green monkey and his nose tickled
-Ella's eyelashes have come in, dark brown --- she is gorgeous!
Now that they have flashed their smiles, it's like a competition between my husband and I to see who can make them smile more. I have no problem acting like a fool to get my kids to smirk!

I have to say one of my favorite moments is at night with our bedtime routine (we just adopted this routine in the past week). We feed them, I bath them, get them into their pjs, and then hand them to Dad who is sitting in the rocker with a book in hand. A little story time, and rocking and we lay them down in their cribs where they drift off to sleep listening to Dad's voice. What a wonderful way to go to sleep each night! :)
*As a side note on the evening the twins turned 2 months old they slept through the night for the first time aka they didn't wake for a 3am feeding! They have continued this trend the remainder of the week. I no longer feel like a walking zombie!! Franklin tries to get up around 5:30am, but we are able to give him his pacifier and he seems to drift back to sleep. Elizabeth on the other hand is fast asleep many mornings until we get them up at 7am to eat. Lately we find her with her blankets completely kicked off.
Things to Remember:
- the babies are out of the Swaddlemes, and sleep now with their little arms above their heads.
- Ella loves to be wrapped up in this pink, mink blanket. It's quite hilarious to see this sweet little baby swaddled in a huge pink blankie.
- We actually put the swing together for the first time this past week
- Franklin loves his bright green monkey and his nose tickled
-Ella's eyelashes have come in, dark brown --- she is gorgeous!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Our Birth Story: Part 1
Our birth story (written by Emily)
Before I begin, let me say this experience was very emotional and scary but throughout our delivery we truly had the opportunity to witness God at work and His provision woven throughout our story.
Friday June 15th we had an appointment at HIROC (High Risk Obstetrician Consulting) at UT. It was a routine appointment towards the end of our twin pregnancy to do a higher definition ultrasound of the twins and look at their blood flow, etc. We had debated doing an amino test to see if Mom could be induced, and in the end decided it was not worth it. Mom was 36 weeks and 6 days. Again, awesome that we made it to this point with two healthy twins!
At the appointment Mom's urine showed +2 for protein. The doctor was going to send us home with a 24 hour urine collection kit. On our way out he also decided to go ahead and run some lab work. He walked Mom back to get her blood drawn, and afterwards Mom and Dad drove back home.
Dad put Mom down for a nap (since she was no longer sleeping very well at night) and said he would work from home that morning. Less then 15 minutes later, Dad came into the bedroom and woke Mom up saying it was "game time!" What? Dad had received a call from the HIROC office saying that we needed to deliver the babies today and to head straight to the hospital. Dad reminded Mom to eat something before they left as once we arrived, since we knew Mom couldn't have any food once we got to the hospital and into labor.
In the car we were both pretty excited, of course the car was empty on fuel and we had to fill up on our way! We didn't have any idea why we needed to deliver today, but we just thought they had decided you were both healthy enough for Mom to be induced. That morning's ultrasound had showed that the babies were doing awesome and each weighed 6lbs (praise God!). Mom called her closest family and friends to tell them of the news. Everyone was so excited!
Once we arrived at the Labor and Delivery floor, we were told to immediately proceed to the nurses station. There they took us straight to pre-op and we finally found out what was going on. Mom was put on a gurney and multiple nurses started to ask her questions, family history, etc. The head nurse finally figured out we didn't know what was happening - and told us that Mom's blood work had come back and showed that she had HELLP syndrome. Her platlet levels were 25,000 - compared to a normal person's who are at least about 200k. In addition, her liver enzymes were extremely elevated. Prior to this, Mom had shown no symptoms - in fact throughout the pregnancy her blood pressure remained in the normal to low range.
The nurses told me I was the healthiest looking sick person they had seen with HELLP syndrome.
The nurses were amazing. And God watched over and provided for us again when we learned that Emily's favorite doctor was the one on call. There really isn't anyone we would have trusted as much as her, knowing the confidence she could have in an operating room. We learned that an emergency c section was really the only thing that could be done to get Emily on the road to feeling better. Once the anesthesiologists learned Mom had eaten food, they said we'd have to wait 8 hours - what! But our doctor came and said no way, there was too much on the line and we had to take the babies out within the next hour! The tough part was that we learned Dad would not be able to come back into the operating room with Mom. Since Mom's platlets were so low they could not risk doing an epidural or spinal, she'd have to totally be put under. Of course Mom and Dad were sad but we trusted the doctors and knew this was for the best.
Before we knew it, the nurses were prepping Mom to take her back. Literally they said within a half an hour Mom would be wheeled back for her emergency c section. Before they wheeled Mom back, Mom and Dad prayed together and hard. Thanking God that they had ran the lab work randomly that morning and for the sweet babies who would be arriving shortly.
To be continued....
Before I begin, let me say this experience was very emotional and scary but throughout our delivery we truly had the opportunity to witness God at work and His provision woven throughout our story.
Friday June 15th we had an appointment at HIROC (High Risk Obstetrician Consulting) at UT. It was a routine appointment towards the end of our twin pregnancy to do a higher definition ultrasound of the twins and look at their blood flow, etc. We had debated doing an amino test to see if Mom could be induced, and in the end decided it was not worth it. Mom was 36 weeks and 6 days. Again, awesome that we made it to this point with two healthy twins!
At the appointment Mom's urine showed +2 for protein. The doctor was going to send us home with a 24 hour urine collection kit. On our way out he also decided to go ahead and run some lab work. He walked Mom back to get her blood drawn, and afterwards Mom and Dad drove back home.
Dad put Mom down for a nap (since she was no longer sleeping very well at night) and said he would work from home that morning. Less then 15 minutes later, Dad came into the bedroom and woke Mom up saying it was "game time!" What? Dad had received a call from the HIROC office saying that we needed to deliver the babies today and to head straight to the hospital. Dad reminded Mom to eat something before they left as once we arrived, since we knew Mom couldn't have any food once we got to the hospital and into labor.
In the car we were both pretty excited, of course the car was empty on fuel and we had to fill up on our way! We didn't have any idea why we needed to deliver today, but we just thought they had decided you were both healthy enough for Mom to be induced. That morning's ultrasound had showed that the babies were doing awesome and each weighed 6lbs (praise God!). Mom called her closest family and friends to tell them of the news. Everyone was so excited!
Once we arrived at the Labor and Delivery floor, we were told to immediately proceed to the nurses station. There they took us straight to pre-op and we finally found out what was going on. Mom was put on a gurney and multiple nurses started to ask her questions, family history, etc. The head nurse finally figured out we didn't know what was happening - and told us that Mom's blood work had come back and showed that she had HELLP syndrome. Her platlet levels were 25,000 - compared to a normal person's who are at least about 200k. In addition, her liver enzymes were extremely elevated. Prior to this, Mom had shown no symptoms - in fact throughout the pregnancy her blood pressure remained in the normal to low range.
The nurses told me I was the healthiest looking sick person they had seen with HELLP syndrome.
The nurses were amazing. And God watched over and provided for us again when we learned that Emily's favorite doctor was the one on call. There really isn't anyone we would have trusted as much as her, knowing the confidence she could have in an operating room. We learned that an emergency c section was really the only thing that could be done to get Emily on the road to feeling better. Once the anesthesiologists learned Mom had eaten food, they said we'd have to wait 8 hours - what! But our doctor came and said no way, there was too much on the line and we had to take the babies out within the next hour! The tough part was that we learned Dad would not be able to come back into the operating room with Mom. Since Mom's platlets were so low they could not risk doing an epidural or spinal, she'd have to totally be put under. Of course Mom and Dad were sad but we trusted the doctors and knew this was for the best.
Before we knew it, the nurses were prepping Mom to take her back. Literally they said within a half an hour Mom would be wheeled back for her emergency c section. Before they wheeled Mom back, Mom and Dad prayed together and hard. Thanking God that they had ran the lab work randomly that morning and for the sweet babies who would be arriving shortly.
To be continued....
Saturday, May 26, 2012
34 Weeks - Goal!
I'm so happy to be writing this at 34 weeks, this is a major milestone!!! At our appointment this week we had another growth ultrasound and got to peak inside at our boy and girl. We were both excited to learn that they are each 5 lbs. and there is only a 2oz. discrepancy between them in size! (That's nothing!). They are continuing to grow really well despite their apartment size getting smaller - that is now being occupied by two big babies! Chris and I lifted up thanks to God right away for these two to continue to thrive, grow, and share all their nutrients.

A few stats on them:)
The doctor also gave us what I'm calling the "green light" in that they wouldn't stop me going into labor at this point! This feels like a huge relief to me, knowing that the babies are a good size, we have reached the 34 week milestone, and with each week that passes is basically more time for them to put on fat and what I call the "finishing touches". Statistically most twins arrive somewhere around 36 weeks. I continue to put my faith in God and trust Him and his plan for the four of us. But I am getting REALLY excited! I have moments where I think about meeting them both for the first time and find tears welling up in my eyes. What an experience this has been, I can only imagine what it will be like to meet them face to face, hold them close, and call them mine:) and to see Christopher for the first time and their eyes meeting.
Thank you everyone for your continued prayers during this time. We will keep you updated! Praise God for all He has done!
A few stats on them:)
- Our boy is still head down
- Our girl is tranverse (laying sideways across the left side of my belly)
- They both were practicing breathing
- Nice strong heartbeats!
- They turned on the 3D ultrasound for a moment, our boy as usual cooperated, and my girl is still saving her sweet face and features for the grand finale (her arms are always hiding her face)
- Both babies have hair on their heads (they could see the wisps of hair on the ultrasound!)
- Mom can only eat smaller portion at a time now, there's not a lot of room in her stomach:) Picture a squirrel nibbling all day
- Still working part time, this has been such a blessing! Works in the morning, comes home and rests the majority of the afternoon (maybe a small chore here/there)
- Most comfortable position is sitting with feet up, joints are getting achy, thankfully not a lot of swelling despite the rising temperatures here!
The doctor also gave us what I'm calling the "green light" in that they wouldn't stop me going into labor at this point! This feels like a huge relief to me, knowing that the babies are a good size, we have reached the 34 week milestone, and with each week that passes is basically more time for them to put on fat and what I call the "finishing touches". Statistically most twins arrive somewhere around 36 weeks. I continue to put my faith in God and trust Him and his plan for the four of us. But I am getting REALLY excited! I have moments where I think about meeting them both for the first time and find tears welling up in my eyes. What an experience this has been, I can only imagine what it will be like to meet them face to face, hold them close, and call them mine:) and to see Christopher for the first time and their eyes meeting.
Thank you everyone for your continued prayers during this time. We will keep you updated! Praise God for all He has done!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Goal!!! 32 weeks!
I'm so thankful to be at 32 weeks! God continues to provide and bless us during this twin pregnancy. The doctors say to celebrate each 2 week milestone at this point. In general I'm feeling good, I feel really big but this week I started working part-time which is really nice. It's helpful to get a nap in and lay on my left side during the afternoon and put my feet up. I'm even able to prepare dinner for the hubby and I - crockpots are fantastic! My joints are getting a bit more achy and its difficult to get up from laying down, but it's because our two pumpkins are getting bigger, so we will take it! I really don't do much at this point, walking is difficult and my ligaments are stretching all the time when I do - about 10-15 minutes of standing and I need to sit. But Christopher continues to be amazing and is getting what we need done! I am so incredibly thankful for a husband who is so caring and supportive, and I totally see the Lord and his servant leadership through him.
At our appointment this week they hooked me up to the fetal monitors for the first time called a "non-stress test", and watched the babies heartbeats and movements. Our boy is still the mover and shaker of the family, and our girl is the more methodically moving one:) They had me drink some water to wake the babies up. We've also put together our gallery wall frames for the nursery, and Daddy has been selecting a poem for each baby.
At our appointment this week they hooked me up to the fetal monitors for the first time called a "non-stress test", and watched the babies heartbeats and movements. Our boy is still the mover and shaker of the family, and our girl is the more methodically moving one:) They had me drink some water to wake the babies up. We've also put together our gallery wall frames for the nursery, and Daddy has been selecting a poem for each baby.
32 weeks in the nursery
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Baby Date - 5/9/12
Your Dad and I just came from a baby date. We saw you on ultrasound. It looks like from here on out we will be seeing you on ultrasound to monitor your growth!
Our girl weighed in at 4lbs and 1 oz. and our boy weighed in at 3lbs and 14 oz. (just 2 ounces shy of 4!)
So yes, I'm now carrying around 8lbs of baby and it shows! I move very slowly and can't walk for too long. But it's a labor of love:)
I've gone to working part time (just 8-12) each day and am really appreciating the extra hours of rest and relaxation in the afternoon.
We hit 32 weeks on Saturday. Keep growing beautiful babies!
Love you both to the moon and back,
Our girl weighed in at 4lbs and 1 oz. and our boy weighed in at 3lbs and 14 oz. (just 2 ounces shy of 4!)
So yes, I'm now carrying around 8lbs of baby and it shows! I move very slowly and can't walk for too long. But it's a labor of love:)
I've gone to working part time (just 8-12) each day and am really appreciating the extra hours of rest and relaxation in the afternoon.
We hit 32 weeks on Saturday. Keep growing beautiful babies!
Love you both to the moon and back,
Thursday, April 26, 2012
I can feel you babies get the hiccups now. It's really amusing (and amazing too!). Our little Mr.'s are down low in my tummy on the right hand side, and sister girl's today felt just to the side of my ribs on the left hand side.
Keep practicing breathing, and hiccuping, and in general growing healthy happy babies down there.
You make me so happy.
Keep practicing breathing, and hiccuping, and in general growing healthy happy babies down there.
You make me so happy.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Ultrasound! 28 Weeks and 5 days
To my Son & Daughter,
I went to the doctor yesterday and we had another ultrasound to measure your growth. I am so happy to report that you are both doing wonderfully! Sweet daughter you are now 3lbs!!!! YES! Strong son of mine you are just 2 ounces less at 2lbs and 14 ounces - which they said you'll gain in just a few days time. You are both measuring in the 50th percentile! I'm so proud of you both. I just can't adequately express the love I feel for you both and the strength I'm sending you every single moment of each day.
The neatest part is that we could also see you practicing breathing! At first I didn't know what I was looking at, but our favorite ultrasound tech (Kim) pointed out that both of your stomachs were contracting in and out. They said they usually didn't even look for this closer to after 30 weeks. Again, you two are just exhibiting how much strength God continues to give all three of us during this time!
They even turned on the 3d ultrasound for a moment. As usual, our baby boy cooperated, but our little girl wrapped her hands up around her face and we couldn't get a good shot.
You capture my heart everyday, and are truly a testimony to God's magnificence.
Keep it up sweet babies! I love you so much,
I went to the doctor yesterday and we had another ultrasound to measure your growth. I am so happy to report that you are both doing wonderfully! Sweet daughter you are now 3lbs!!!! YES! Strong son of mine you are just 2 ounces less at 2lbs and 14 ounces - which they said you'll gain in just a few days time. You are both measuring in the 50th percentile! I'm so proud of you both. I just can't adequately express the love I feel for you both and the strength I'm sending you every single moment of each day.
The neatest part is that we could also see you practicing breathing! At first I didn't know what I was looking at, but our favorite ultrasound tech (Kim) pointed out that both of your stomachs were contracting in and out. They said they usually didn't even look for this closer to after 30 weeks. Again, you two are just exhibiting how much strength God continues to give all three of us during this time!
Girl face staring at Mom! |
Boy Profile of face |
Keep it up sweet babies! I love you so much,
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
28 weeks!
Babies! We did it! Another milestone! 28 weeks (well and a few days at this point). Last week we went and had our maternity photo shoot with Jennie Andrews - who will be our family life photographer:) We had so much fun. Daddy was such a trooper, he immersed himself in a field of wild flowers and managed multiple allergy attacks so we could get some beautiful pics of you in my tummy! It's crazy to think that in 2 months is our 37 week mark!!
We have another ultrasound on Thursday to see how you are growing. As always I'm praying each of you is nearing the 3 lbs mark and sharing/growing consistently and are around the same size. This is our heartfelt prayer!
I've started going to the chiropractor weekly and getting massages. Now that I've pushed upwards of 30 lbs - (yes you two are getting bigger, people don't believe that there are two babies in there equaling 6 lbs.!) certain muscles in my back seem to tense up and only massage and resting right after work seems to help. But, the three of us are still conquering an 8 hour work day so I give all of us a pat on the back:)
One of your best friends, Owen Thomas was born about a week ago. He is way too cute! We were fortunate enough to be able to go and meet him in the hospital. I know all three of you will be great friends and we are so happy for mom and dad!
I will update again after the ultrasound on Thursday.
Love you both,
We have another ultrasound on Thursday to see how you are growing. As always I'm praying each of you is nearing the 3 lbs mark and sharing/growing consistently and are around the same size. This is our heartfelt prayer!
I've started going to the chiropractor weekly and getting massages. Now that I've pushed upwards of 30 lbs - (yes you two are getting bigger, people don't believe that there are two babies in there equaling 6 lbs.!) certain muscles in my back seem to tense up and only massage and resting right after work seems to help. But, the three of us are still conquering an 8 hour work day so I give all of us a pat on the back:)
One of your best friends, Owen Thomas was born about a week ago. He is way too cute! We were fortunate enough to be able to go and meet him in the hospital. I know all three of you will be great friends and we are so happy for mom and dad!
I will update again after the ultrasound on Thursday.
Love you both,
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Update - Growth Ultrasound
We had a growth ultrasound on both of you today! You two are looking wonderful! Our sweet girl is now 2 pounds 5 oz. and our handsome man is now 2 pounds 3 oz. You seem to both be sharing your nutrients well and your fluid levels look great. Continue to take care of each other and share space.
Our little girl has now turned and is head up - this explains why mommy's ribs have been aching and the boy is still head down. This means our boy's legs are kicking our girl in her noggin'. Haha. We'll see if you both stay this way. We saw your faces and you both are getting some cheeks on you now:) You look gorgeous to Mommy and Daddy!
We continue to praise God for his craftsmanship! He is a master architect, provider, and protector. He is looking out for both of you! My faith continues to increase as we all grow together, all three of our hearts beating in here.
Loving you always,
Our little girl has now turned and is head up - this explains why mommy's ribs have been aching and the boy is still head down. This means our boy's legs are kicking our girl in her noggin'. Haha. We'll see if you both stay this way. We saw your faces and you both are getting some cheeks on you now:) You look gorgeous to Mommy and Daddy!
We continue to praise God for his craftsmanship! He is a master architect, provider, and protector. He is looking out for both of you! My faith continues to increase as we all grow together, all three of our hearts beating in here.
Loving you always,
Sunday, April 01, 2012
26 weeks
We've now met one of our goals! Amen! Our next goal is 28 weeks! You both are very active today, and I find all kinds of bones, feet, and elbows poking me. Praise God! I am so thankful for the ways in which each of you are being formed.
I've experienced some new pains this week, in the back specifically around my rib area. While Dad ran a 5K, I walked with Gibson to try to find relief. Thankfully by the end of the day either one of you moved, or your sweet father's back massage he gave me really helped! I also feel my stomach stretching more and when I walk I am especially made aware of this, and have now gained just about 30 pounds. It's hard for me sometimes to imagine getting larger - but I know God has made me for this and will continue to walk with us each step of the way, providing you both with more room to grow in my tummy. I find I need to rotate between standing up and sitting down. And after a day at work I really need to slow down, come home and put my feet up and rest. Daddy has been so great about making dinner, cleaning up, etc. so that I can adequately rest and take care of each of you babies as you grow.
We love you both so much already. Praying for you to continue to grow strong and healthy, sharing nutrients and fluids. Your next growth ultrasound is this Wednesday. We pray that you are growing big and strong and trust God is forming you in his perfect ways.
I've experienced some new pains this week, in the back specifically around my rib area. While Dad ran a 5K, I walked with Gibson to try to find relief. Thankfully by the end of the day either one of you moved, or your sweet father's back massage he gave me really helped! I also feel my stomach stretching more and when I walk I am especially made aware of this, and have now gained just about 30 pounds. It's hard for me sometimes to imagine getting larger - but I know God has made me for this and will continue to walk with us each step of the way, providing you both with more room to grow in my tummy. I find I need to rotate between standing up and sitting down. And after a day at work I really need to slow down, come home and put my feet up and rest. Daddy has been so great about making dinner, cleaning up, etc. so that I can adequately rest and take care of each of you babies as you grow.
We love you both so much already. Praying for you to continue to grow strong and healthy, sharing nutrients and fluids. Your next growth ultrasound is this Wednesday. We pray that you are growing big and strong and trust God is forming you in his perfect ways.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
24 weeks
I love you so much. You are growing strong. We made it through another milestone and passed the Glucose test! Yay! Good job. I can tell you are both getting bigger, as Mommy feels bigger and has a harder time navigating daily life, ie I use Daddy's arms and chest to push myself up in the morning and get up from a sitting position. He is a wonderful father to you already. So loving and caring, and always looking out for whats best for us.
You both are much more active now too. Large roundhouse kicks to the stomach, and we can also see your feet slide across my belly. It's a beautiful thing, and we thank God for all your growth.
I play you Mozart at work, find ways to kick my feet up, and even take 20 minutes after eating lunch to close my eyes for a few minutes and sit in the dark - giving us all a rest. Daddy calls you Baby Beethoven and Baby Mozart.
Love you two,
I love you so much. You are growing strong. We made it through another milestone and passed the Glucose test! Yay! Good job. I can tell you are both getting bigger, as Mommy feels bigger and has a harder time navigating daily life, ie I use Daddy's arms and chest to push myself up in the morning and get up from a sitting position. He is a wonderful father to you already. So loving and caring, and always looking out for whats best for us.
You both are much more active now too. Large roundhouse kicks to the stomach, and we can also see your feet slide across my belly. It's a beautiful thing, and we thank God for all your growth.
I play you Mozart at work, find ways to kick my feet up, and even take 20 minutes after eating lunch to close my eyes for a few minutes and sit in the dark - giving us all a rest. Daddy calls you Baby Beethoven and Baby Mozart.
Love you two,
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Almost 20 weeks
Happy Valentine's Day! Hard to believe I'm almost at 20 weeks now! I'm still feeling good, in fact probably the best I've felt has been over the past 2 weeks. Lots more energy, and nothing in my body has really been aching. Praise God! I'm appreciating every moment of it.
I had a realization today that I probably can't eat chocolate seemed to cause a bit of acid reflux. Oh well. I'll just have to stick to hot cocoa.
The babies are moving a bunch now. The Mr. has felt both of them move (movements on opposite sides of my stomach). I love it. This is an absolutely amazing feeling. They usually start moving around 9pm (when I get settled in bed at the end of the day).
I pray to God each day these sweet babes are growing healthy and strong. We praise Him for all he has given us. Next week is the big ultrasound.
I had a realization today that I probably can't eat chocolate seemed to cause a bit of acid reflux. Oh well. I'll just have to stick to hot cocoa.
The babies are moving a bunch now. The Mr. has felt both of them move (movements on opposite sides of my stomach). I love it. This is an absolutely amazing feeling. They usually start moving around 9pm (when I get settled in bed at the end of the day).
I pray to God each day these sweet babes are growing healthy and strong. We praise Him for all he has given us. Next week is the big ultrasound.
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Lately I've been craving strawberries. I can't seem to get enough of them. You two little berries are certainly growing as well!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Amazingly Good
We found out what you sweet little babes are yesterday. Again, another very monumental day in our lives! One of you is a boy, and one of you is a girl. My heart leaps for joy, and I'm overwhelmed with excitement. Your father and I, and your entire family are praying for you both daily - that you may grow strong and healthy to be little warriors for God.
Monday, January 09, 2012
God Has Blessed Us
God has so blessed us and we are happy to announce we are pregnant with twins! Two precious lives God has entrusted us with. Right now I'm focused on taking good care of myself and the Mr., and nourishing these babies to grow. Everyday I pray for them, and their health, and for the Mr. and I to have the wisdom to care for these two sweet babes.
I've had more energy lately, although I've reached the point where I have to eat every 2 hours or I get the morning sickness/nausea/vomiting especially around 9 or 10 in the morning. These babies are metabolizing everything I put in my body very quickly. I'm trying to keep them fed so we all feel good! It's just crazy how much I'm eating right now, and the weight really isnt adding on quickly. Maybe once the babies get bigger:)
Right now I'm 14.5 weeks.
Cravings: Love anything cold. Popsicles, icees, ice water (which I used to hate), and smoothies. So odd for someone who used to be chilly all the time.
Aversions: Still HATE the smell of anything with bbq sauce. No ribs or wings here please!
I've had more energy lately, although I've reached the point where I have to eat every 2 hours or I get the morning sickness/nausea/vomiting especially around 9 or 10 in the morning. These babies are metabolizing everything I put in my body very quickly. I'm trying to keep them fed so we all feel good! It's just crazy how much I'm eating right now, and the weight really isnt adding on quickly. Maybe once the babies get bigger:)
Right now I'm 14.5 weeks.
Cravings: Love anything cold. Popsicles, icees, ice water (which I used to hate), and smoothies. So odd for someone who used to be chilly all the time.
Aversions: Still HATE the smell of anything with bbq sauce. No ribs or wings here please!
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