Tuesday, November 20, 2012

5 month update!

I am so thankful for all the time in our home spent playing with babies! Lately I've realized how much we actually play --- all afternoon, evening, and in the morning! Whenever I'm with the babies interacting, we are playing.  Even while they lay on the kitchen floor on their playmat while I cook, I'm still singing and dancing to them. We play! Thank the Lord for play and laughing, and singing! I certainly needed more playtime in my life, and with twins we get it!

The twins are 5 months old(well they were about a week ago!)  I'm a little late - but they are way too cute.  With every month that passes I keep saying I love this phase, no this phase, and then I continue to love each day more and more as I watch their little personalities unfold.

Memories of 5 months

Franklin - still completely boy.  My tender hearted little solider.  He is such an easy child and always has a tender smile to warm your heart.  His favorite nursery rhymes right now are: pop goes the weasel, and peas poridge hot.  He would eat every hour if he could:) and when we changed his schedule back to eating every 3 hours he was quite happy!  He giggles now. It's the most delicious sound ever!  He's rolling over on his side now and practicing sitting up!

Elizabeth - hair is still as red as ever.  She has a mouth-wide open type of smile that will make me laugh each time.  She is very observant and knows at all times where she is in relation to mommy and daddy.  She doesn't like loud people or noises, but is more of the refined nature:) HA.  She is growing longer by the day.  She loves her pears, and can play so nicely by herself.  Sometimes I just watch her in her own little world.  It reminds me of my sister as a child.

I love these two!  Thank you Lord for these blessings!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

To Them

To Them

To them I am

a tender touch
a finger to nibble
a little tickle and
outstretched arms

a cozy pillow
warm soft blankets
sweet potatoes and
a fully tummy

a musical of
melodies and rhythms 
a soft sway
and a gentle rock

a safe place
a known
their Mumma

---a glimpse of what my babies may see me as.

Friday, November 09, 2012


So I had a feeling when I started writing our "why am I thankful" blog, that there would be a few days missed. I mean we have twins, so let's be honest there isn't a lot of what we call free time!  But we sure do have a lot of family time, and we are thankful for that!

Today I'm thankful for all those folks who have stepped in and helped us out in all sorts of wonderful ways.  While I was sick right after delivery, many, many families came and brought us food for our 3 weeks!  They made warm meals to help mommy (me) recover, and us survive and thrive with our newborn babies! This was certainly an outpouring of love we will never forget!  So thankful for our church family & friends. Talk about a blessing in our lives!

I'm also thankful for great friends and family who helped me out this week while Mom/Dad had their first business trips. Of course they happened the same week:)  None the less we all survived, and the babies loved spending time with their aunties!

There is nothing better then great family and friends, and we certainly have been blessed with some of the best!  Thanks for making our family feel so loved!

Thursday, November 01, 2012

A Month of Thankfulness

Thanks to some friends, I've been inspired to try to blog each day about what we are thankful for!

Today I am thankful for first and foremost for my wonderful husband to share my life with!  He's my constant companion, adventurer, and steadfast rock!  Without him we wouldn't have our two sweet babies and I wouldn't be half as good without him:)

A few things I love about him...
His steady energy and attitude. He's always positive.
His eagerness to serve the Lord
He will always do the right thing
His love for our family
His attitude and great worth ethic
His love for my family
His encouraging words and listening ear

Thank you Lord for blessing me with such a great husband and father!