Wednesday, November 12, 2014


It's hard to believe it was August since I last wrote.

Lots of wonderful things have happened.  We got to go on a vacation to the beach, which the kids absolutely loved! We visited Chi-town over Labor Day and celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary!

The children are getting bigger day by day.  F has funny phrases that he will just bust out with like "no, no, no, I don't think so" or "ew that's gross"

Ella is so in love with babies and playing baby doll.  She takes her baby's jammies on and off and likes to feed her in the booster seat we have at the dinner table.  She is still constantly singing.

We've had our fair share of little odd colds and illnesses, but nothing we've had to go to the Dr. for which I am grateful!

C and I are on a clean eating diet, less carbs and more protein and elminating processed sugar.  Not like I let him keep cookies around anyways! :)  We've also gotten the twins rooms painted, and he did the guest room yesterday! I'm SO appreciative!

We are also hosting a bible study at our house on Tuesdays, with a meal and study after.  It's been a true blessing.

Just a little catch me up!