It's now Wednesday May 31st. Tomorrow marks the first of June, and with that summer is due to begin. This summer will be stretching and taking me on new paths of growth, of both are which exciting and necessary in order for me to reach new goals. I will be acting as the Program Director/Faculty/Program Coordinator for Leadership University . What an opportunity! I consider myself blessed at age 22 to have such a position to be able to lead, impact, and make a difference in so many peoples' lives.
Things I want to gain from this summer experience include: (but are not limited to)
1. Analytical skills - slowing my reaction time down.
2. Energy Focus - channeling my gifts
3. Work/Life balance - make time for myself,friends, and family
4. Teambuilding - learning more about inspiring and motivating through my leading
This seems like a good start. Also I will begin to conceptualize and envision further about my graduate studies for the expected start date of Fall 2007. At this point I will be 23 and have 2 years of work experience under my belt. I look forward to next year at this point and the experiences that I will have had, and the new adventures that will be coming to be. My goals new for my MBA include: creating determing criteria for schools, narrowing list, and setting up a timeline.
This morning I had a nice chance to talk to God on the drive to work and again feel an immense sense of strength. Like a lightbulb going off. Sometimes when life moves quickly and things keep changing it's easy to not take time to reflect- but last night it all came back to me; I enjoy being strong, independent, and challenged. I also have the right to make choices about my life. When I set my mind on something nothing can stop me. And I have the power to create my path.
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