Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Grace in Small Things

1. Using the fire place in the evenings, The Boy is so good at it and has made it his personal duty

2. Being greeted by the most waggly tail every time I walk through the front door

3. Dreaming of purchasing our own home, and finding it can be a reality

4. Chats and connecting with friends


Dash said...

hi, i just stumbled upon your blog and i absolutely love it!Also, would really appreciate it if u would stop by my blog as Im a newbie and would love to hear from you!

about the post: blessings come in every shape, size and package. Its up to us to untie the strings:):)

kubbybear said...

I love coming home to dogs! I think I am really gonna miss it when I get my own place. Maybe I will take one of them with me. ;)

Emily Anne Carson said...

hi there! like Dash, i also just stumbled upon your wonderful blog. i love this grace list. isn't life so lovely?
