Tuesday, April 17, 2012

28 weeks!

Babies! We did it! Another milestone!  28 weeks (well and a few days at this point).  Last week we went and had our maternity photo shoot with Jennie Andrews - who will be our family life photographer:)  We had so much fun.  Daddy was such a trooper, he immersed himself in a field of wild flowers and managed multiple allergy attacks so we could get some beautiful pics of you in my tummy!  It's crazy to think that in 2 months is our 37 week mark!!

We have another ultrasound on Thursday to see how you are growing.  As always I'm praying each of you is nearing the 3 lbs mark and sharing/growing consistently and are around the same size.  This is our heartfelt prayer!

I've started going to the chiropractor weekly and getting massages.  Now that I've pushed upwards of 30 lbs - (yes you two are getting bigger, people don't believe that there are two babies in there equaling 6 lbs.!) certain muscles in my back seem to tense up and only massage and resting right after work seems to help.  But, the three of us are still conquering an 8 hour work day so I give all of us a pat on the back:)

One of your best friends, Owen Thomas was born about a week ago.  He is way too cute!  We were fortunate enough to be able to go and meet him in the hospital. I know all three of you will be great friends and we are so happy for mom and dad!

I will update again after the ultrasound on Thursday.

Love you both,

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