Saturday, July 15, 2006

Chapter 3: The Jack Welch in All of Us

Currently Reading: Winning by Jack Welch

In reviewing Winning I have come across a few key points that I think can help guide us all further in our pursuit of better leadership and managerial skills. His book is written in a conversational tone, and much of the time it's as if you are having a talk over a cup of coffee. I think he takes his strong.

  • Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself, when you become a leader, success is all about growing others.
  • Willingness to admit mistakes -don't be afraid to be human.
  • Simplify - this makes life easier.
  • Section on hiring/firing - putting people in the positions that suit them best. Sometimes this means saying "bye"
There will be more review to come.

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