Tuesday, November 07, 2006


2006 Elections Blunder so far:

- Problems w/ electronic voting (not surprised and certain demographic locations where these were placed render problems i.e. older populations, lower income, etc.)

- KY poll worker chokes a voter (personal favorite, what’s next, death by ballot?)

- Lawyers are already predicted to try to keep the polls open later in TN. (Democrats think this will help….hmm)

- The public is being told that exit polls will greatly sway votes and that the GOP should beware. So if they told us that the Republicans had already won could we just open the bottle of Champaign?

Next year at this time, I have to admit it would be pretty fun to be in DC amidst all the activities. I heard all the political bloggers are headed to the Tryst to have an e-lection night party. P.S. I recently got bit by a bug, the political bug.

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