Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Good News. Bad News. No News.

To my dismay I had to go to sleep earlier then I would have liked, unable to finish up the election night hoopla with MSNBC. It meant I had to wake up this morning to good news, bad news or no news. Looks like it's smack in the middle.

It's coming down to the wire now and the news continues to flash that closest heat for the Senate, now dependent on two states: VA and MT. What will happen?

VA: Hard race to call. What's projected right now is about a 1% difference.

MT: Tester is in the lead here again by merely 1%.

There is likely to be a recount ahead of us.

Conclusion, you can't tell right now because it's this close to the wire. With a 1% lead things could easily sway either way. What we do know is that the House is now a Democratic one. I'd like to see the Republicans keep control of the Senate, otherwise I fear we could have a bumpy road into the coming Presidential election. With the war on the forefront, and currently unresolved, I don't think a Democratic Senate would be our best bet either. They say the people want a change, but do the citizens really have an idea of what change they seek?

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