Friday, February 02, 2007

Traveling with a teacup and a wine opener. Compartment 44

I've heard a good analogy once about life being like a ride on a train. The more I revisit that idea, the more it makes sense.

It's a journey, people get on and off the train. Some sit with us for awhile, others may board our train and get off at the next stop. Some people go merrily around, getting off at each and every stop, some have no direction. Others carry elaborate plans with times and hold tickets to where they expect to be.

There's always a guy who's scary sitting 5 rows in front of you, and starring back. Or the woman who talks so loudly that you know of her whole life. These are the people we run into on our journey, colorful characters who make up the blogs we write before we try to empty our minds and sleep at night.

And then there are those passengers, whom we love but they choose to sit in another compartment and we travel onward, but keep a seat open for them. I thought of this person in my life the other day, only because I wanted to share the good news with him, but I don't have a way of getting ahold of him. On my train, this is my father. He's gotten on and off my train from time to time, and right now I think he might be trying out a subway.

But although sometimes we don't understand why some get off at certain places, or move into different cars, I'm happy I'm on the train I am. I have a destination in mind, and places I'd like to see and people I'd like to travel with. And I'm willing to help someone carry their luggage or lend a helping hand if they need it. Oh, and I always travel with a teacup and wine opener, if you'd like to share a drink. You can usually recognize me by my smile.

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